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Minutes May 25, 2005

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Susan Burnham, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, and Janis Murtha

Members absent: Terrie Kyc, James Murray, and Edwina Futtner

Alternates present:     John Mitchell, Carolyn Egan sitting in for Commissioner Murray

Alternates absent:      Michael Patitucci

Others Present: Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant, Paul Keller, Director of Finance for Electro-Methods, Inc. and Thomas Fleury, Principal for Executive Management & Business Care, LLC.


Paul Keller, Director of Finance from Electro-Methods distributed literature (Exhibit A) regarding the company’s second expansion since they moved to South Windsor. The literature gives an estimation of how much the new construction will cost along with the schedule for construction.  Mr. Keller hopes this information would justify a Tax Assessment reduction.  There was a brief discussion regarding young people attending college and not pursuing apprentice programs.  A brief discussion regarding Electro-Method’s Tax Assessment for the last expansion.  Public participation ended at 8:23 p.m.

Vice-Chairman Carino moved to “amend” on page 1, under ROLL CALL/Alternates present: the words “Attorney Barry Gu” should be eliminated.

Also, on Page two, under item 8-New Business-2nd paragraph change “Economic Committee” to Economic Commission.

Under Item 7a- third line from the bottom under Discussion Item Report from Craig Stevenson, the word members of the “Commissioner” should be changed to members of Commission.  The sentence should read as follows: “Chairperson Anthony suggested to members of Commission to bring any concerns to the next meeting for further discussion.”

On page 3, under item 6c second from the bottom line, Report from Liaison Joseph Carino Water Pollution Control Authority 1249 John Fitch Boulevard-last sentence, change the word “apprve” to approval.  The sentence should read as follows: “He came to us for a sewer approval, and the Water Pollution Control Authority gave approval for the connection to the Town’s sewerage system.

On page 4, under item 6c-Report from Liaison Joseph Carino-Water Pollution Control Authority South Windsor Child Development Center, last sentence should read as follows: “This is an existing house which will be owned by an Attorney and converted into professional space.  This house will be partly used as a commercial condominium”.

On page 4, under Item 9-1, last line, remove the space between the word “n ot” to not.

Commissioner Lillis suggested that in the future when referring to an exhibit that was distributed during a meeting, to put the word distributed in the minutes.

Commissioner Lillis asked why the numbers to the minutes were out of order, it was explained that the minutes were in the order the agenda went.  Chairperson Anthony asked that the numbers to the minutes stay in order in the future.

Commissioner Lillis stated that under Item 7a, 1st paragraph, there were some concerns raised by Commissioner Mitchell and others during the discussion Commissioner Lillis would like these concerns reflected in the minutes. Commissioner Lillis suggested listening to the tape and record those concerns in the minutes.  Commissioner Lillis made a motion to amend the minutes.

Motion to delay the approval of the minutes of April 27, 2005 Regular Meeting, because of various changes until the next meeting.

Was made by Commissioner Murtha
Seconded by Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried unanimously


Chairperson Anthony read a letter she received from Dave Murdock regarding South Windsor Development Day.  Mr. Murdock felt Development Day was a success and he was looking forward to it next year.  Chairperson Anthony also mentioned she received fifty returned invitations for various reasons wrong addresses, moved etc.  Chairperson Anthony asked for the list that was used so it could be reflected and updated.

Chairperson Anthony read an e-mail article sent to her by the Town Manager regarding WFSB-Channel 3 moving to Rocky Hill.  

Chairperson Anthony also received a letter from Design Professionals regarding Hartford Truck Equipment they would like to expand their business.  They have purchased the McKey & King parcels for the expansion of their business and they have withdrawn the application for Mcquire Road from the commercial zone change. They have would like a zone change for the McKey and King properties.  

Thomas Fleury, Presicent of Executive Management & Business Care, LLC who is a resident of South Windsor was in attendance to observe the commission to learn how it works and how he can help the commission as well as the commission helping him with his clients.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission
Chairperson Anthony gave a report and stated that Mr. Slicer was invited to this meeting to give the Commission updated report on what is happening on Planning & Zoning.  However, Mr. Slicer was not able to attend this evening.  Chairperson Anthony reported on several items that were on the Planing and Zoning agenda.

        Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

        Chairperson Anthony reported Carla’s Pasta released bonds from Inland/Wetlands

c)      Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority

Vice-Chairman Carino reported that at their last meeting the Water Pollution Control Authority, gave approval to connect to the Town’s sewerage system to the following two commercial operations:

                Four Seasons Painters located at 435 Chapel Road
                Stowe Kitchen and Bath located at 845 Sullivan Avenue

        d)              Tax Assistant Fund

                Chairperson Anthony reminded the members that this was discussed last month and they were suppose to bring their questions to the meeting on May 25, 2005.  Craig Stevenson recapped what the Tax Assistant Fund meant.  The members had a lengthy discussion regarding whether or not South Windsor should offer a grant as an incentive to businesses to attract them to the town.  There was also a discussion regarding whether or not other towns are offering grants to keep their businesses.  Chairperson Anthony read what a business enhancement grant was.  The main question asked last month was whether or not it is legal to do it and would it be construed as an under the table tax abatement.  Commission members expressed their concerns and it was the consensus of the commission that Mr. Stevenson meet with the Town Attorney Barry Guliano and get the answers to the questions before the next meeting.


Report from Craig Stevenson Economic Development Commission consultant on the following items:

Craig Stevenson gave a verbal report on the following items:

Four Seasons Painters: renovating and adding 7,000 sq. ft. They would like a tax abatement.

Birch Mountain Earth Works: Will be moving into the parcel next to Daniel’s Electric.

Mr. Stevenson reported that he met with Kevin Simms of Simmons property, they own the property next to Jo-Ann Fabric.  Mr. Stevenson hopes that we can find an end user for this property.

There was none.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 pm

Was made by Commissioner Murtha
Seconded by Commissioner Lillis
The motion carried unanimously

Peggy S. Holcomb
Recording Secretary